S02E15: Taking Action To Start Changing The World

#positivechange #self-development #self-transformation be the change journey to change podcast podcast episodes self-belief steppingforward the positive change podcast Jun 14, 2022


We experience moments in life where we know and realize that we need to shift the course of our lives in order to be truly happy. These moments are often scary, or may make us feel uncertain BUT know that it will lead to a change that allows us to grow, evolve, and finally become who we were meant to be.

I've said it before and it has been said by many, “Change starts with yourself” easy to say but of course not the easiest to do. Knowing that you can start the change with yourself is different from actually taking the first step towards the change, which is known to be the hardest step of all. 

Join me in this episode as I double down on readying yourself as the Changemaker that you truly are. I’ll also be sharing 15 action items that you need to do in order to really ignite the change you want to see in the world



Watch the video form of this episode here: YouTube: Dr. Richard Harmer


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Youtube: Dr. Richard Harmer


VIEW MORE POSITIVE CHANGE PODCAST EPISODES HERE: https://www.richardharmer.com/ThePositiveChangePodcast