If you want a better life, ask yourself better questions.

7 tips to asking better life questions (FREE DOWNLOAD)
S02E15: Taking Action To Start Changing The World #positivechange #self-development #self-transformation be the change journey to change podcast podcast episodes self-belief steppingforward the positive change podcast Jun 14, 2022


We experience moments in life where we know and realize that we need to shift the course of our lives in order to be truly happy. These moments are often scary, or may make us feel uncertain BUT know that it will lead to a change that allows us to grow, evolve, and finally become who we...

Why we are ALWAYS on a journey of transformation #positivechange #self-development #self-transformation blog Apr 25, 2022

10 minute read

Transformation starts with you recognising you have already transformed.

I get a sense of comfort in realising that we are always changing, growing, developing, evolving … transforming.

Even at those times when I might feel completely stuck in one aspect of life, I know...